We’ve made it even easier and more secure to shop in-store, dine out, or visit your favorite entertainment venue. Say goodbye to scrambling for your wallet at the checkout line. Just add your ACFCU Visa® credit or debit card to your mobile wallet and you can make quick payments without cash or the cards themselves.
How To Add Your Card To Your Mobile Wallet:
Why Should I Use My Mobile Wallet?
Using a mobile wallet streamlines your payment processes, adds an extra layer of security, and provides much more convenience. You don’t need to wait for your plastic card to come in the mail to add it to your mobile wallet. Don’t use a mobile wallet? No problem! You can easily view your card details whenever you want—your card number, expiration date, and CVV code are all in Online and Mobile Banking. If you do use a mobile wallet, you can easily load your card into your wallet without the hassle of manual entry. When you use your credit or debit card to make a purchase, the mobile wallet applies a random identification number to your purchase instead of providing your credit card information. This makes it harder for scammers to access your personal and financial information.
Have the power to access your current or previous statements whenever and wherever you want. We make it simple with electronic statements.
How To Enroll In Electronic Statements:
Check your credit score for free at any time with Credit Score by Savvy Money. Easily sign up and receive notifications on score changes, special offers, and financial tips.
How To Get Started:
With Arlington Community FCU’s mobile app and online banking, you can view transactions, balances and checks, manage credit and debit cards, update your contact information, and much more. It’s easy to set up and quickly get increased convenience and account security.
Plus on the Mobile App:
当您使用ACFCU的移动钱包用Apple Pay支付时,把钱包留在家里,享受安全、非接触式的购买体验。®, 谷歌支付TM,或三星® 支付。 现在就了解如何访问和使用你的移动钱包.3
1Cash back is calculated based on the total dollar amount of qualifying debit card transactions. Account will not be dividend bearing. 1% cash back on first $1,000 in transactions. Maximum cash back is $10. For minimum requirements to be met, actions must be performed and must clear/post to the account during the qualification period. Transactions may take one or more banking days from the date the transaction was made to post and settle against your account. Swipe & Sign, PIN, and Debit Bill Pay transactions must have cleared account by the end of the month. Standard fees will apply such as an account that has been inactive for longer than 12 months. No overdraft fees for debit card transactions that overdraw by less than $30. This only applies to debit card transactions. ACH transactions do not have the $30 grace before a fee is charged. Overdraft fees must be repaid within 45 days. A $30 fee is charged for each occurrence. Courtesy Pay will not be paid if Courtesy Pay is disabled and the transaction is declined. In those cases, an NSF fee will be charged. Courtesy Pay covers the following types of transactions: checks, ACH, and other transactions made using a checking account, automatic bill payments, recurring transactions set up using your debit card, ATM transactions, everyday debit card transactions, and Point of Sale (POS) transactions. ATM transactions, everyday debit card transactions, and Point of Sale (POS) transactions require separate opt-in.
3手机存款需经核实,最高可提取$200。你的账户必须信誉良好;不能有一个信誉不良的账户,不能有ChexSystems的负面记录,也不能有任何超过30天的拖欠贷款。请阅读《beat365体育亚洲官网在线》(Reg E),了解包括资金可用性、存款限额、支票的正确处置以及完整的条款和条件等细节。
5 Overdraft fees must be repaid within 45 days. A $30 fee is charged for each occurrence. This only applies to debit card transactions. ACH transactions do not have the $30 grace before a fee is charged.
苹果、苹果标志、iPhone和iPad是苹果公司的商标,在美国和其他国家注册。App Store是苹果公司的服务商标。安卓是谷歌公司的商标。 ©2019年谷歌公司。保留所有权利。Google Pay是Google LLC的商标。Samsung Pay是Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.的注册商标。查看接受Samsung Pay的商店的完整列表,请登录www.Samsung.com/pay。可能需要支付数据费用。
为了保护您,我们使用最新的加密标准,因此支持以下浏览器和操作系统的最新两个版本。谷歌浏览器、火狐、微软Edge、Safari、iOS。我们支持Android v5.0及以上版本,并对Internet Explorer v11提供有限支持。虽然我们确实在监测欺诈或可疑活动,并可能主动与您联系,但我们绝不会打电话要求提供保密信息,如您的整个账户号码或密码。请联系我们。703.526.0200 x4 如果您提供了保密信息。